This toy was designed in the premises of inclusive design, where it aims to include as many people as possible. In this case, we aim to include as many children/people as possible in terms of visual capability. We wanted to design a puzzle set that can be played together by visually impaired and visually capable children. The method of play is simple, and is written as follows:
1. Feel, touch or look at the sample
2. Solve the puzzle accordingly
​For each animal shape, there are 2 samples and 2 puzzles, each facilitated with either alphabet or braille. The sample serves as a guide for the players to solve the puzzle. The shapes of the animals and the words that facilitate it are all raised so that the puzzle can be played regardless of the player's visual capability. As visual sense is not a necessity to complete the puzzle, visually capable players may also close their eyes to train their sense of touch. The puzzle can be solved solely by matching the pattern of the animal together, matching the words to form the name of the animal or by matching both at the same time.
External supervision is still needed to assign the alphabet puzzles to visually capable children and the braille puzzles to visually impaired children. Switching the alphabet and braille sets for the players would also be a fun way for players to be exposed to more language codes.